Frédéric Bau
Supporting and sustaining digital transformation
First contacted for training in social networks, I was then chosen by Frédéric Bau to create a first website that would introduce his work, promote his books via an online shop and present the Japanese cooking classes that his wife and partner Rika Bau offers through their restaurant UMIA.

Thank you very much for your ability to understand us, challenge us, keep the focus and excel, to come up with a beautiful product that I and you can be very proud of. Thank you very much.

Promoting know-how
The chef wanted a sober site that could nevertheless convey his overflowing creative universe, while still having the possibility of selling his books online. I chose to see the site as a cookbook: the portal is the cover that invites the user to open the book, the full-screen menu behaves like a table of contents and each main page of the site represents a chapter. The user has the choice of navigating horizontally between the chapters and reading the one that interests him by scrolling.
As far as the UI is concerned, I was lucky enough to work with some superb photos which made the layout easier. The luxurious side of the chef's creations is reflected in the use of black and white for greater sobriety, with a few hints of Dulcey blond (a chocolate colour invented by Frédéric Bau) to bring the whole to life.
Development : Jules Cordonnier
Photographs: Jean-Bernard Lassara