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Webdesign, photography, digital strategy
Webdesign, social media & photography for one of the biggest music festivals in France
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Increasing sales through better UX

Located between lake and mountains, Musilac is one of the biggest music festivals in France!
In 2018, Musilac asked me to redesign its website. As the old site was running on Spip, it was high time to modernize the whole and to offer a more modern experience to the user, so that he can find the main information he needs from the landing page.

As the visuals change with each edition, the festival's request was simple:
- Redesign the site to match the visuals and its strong identity, while allowing the client to modify the graphic content of the site each year without revising the structure.
- To ensure that the act of buying a ticket can be carried out wherever the user is located on the site in order to increase conversions.

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Computer where you can view the homepage design by scrolling

Bazil has true skills when it comes to webdesign, community management and digital strategy. Reactive and attentive, he knows how to adapt to every situation.

Aminata Fall
Communication Manager - Musilac

Improved performances

At the festival's request, the site was developed on the Wordpress CMS, chosen for its ease of adding content.
In terms of results, since its launch has recorded an increase in performance and average retention time as well as a greater number of visits to the ticketing page.

Musilac is also a great story: after starting as an intern within their structure in 2013, the festival team trusted me and kept me as a freelance digital manager. Since 2013, I also started working with the official photographers of the event who taught me the job little by little. Since 2019, I have the chance to photograph the biggest international groups as the official photographer of Musilac. A childhood dream come true.


Development: Nicolas Prat
Visual: Keep it Up
Thanks: Bruno Garcia, Aminata Fall, Arnault Breysse, Thomas Bianchin & Raphaëlle Aubert.

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