One More Joke
Creating a unique artistic direction for 10 events
From the Louvre to the Cirque d'Hiver, via the Eiffel Tower: there's no stopping One More Joke!
Formerly one of the best stand up shows in Paris, in 2019 One More Joke has turned to producing shows in unusual places. 10 evenings, 10 places and therefore 10 different posters for which I was in charge of the artistic direction. I chose to keep a graphic framework that can be found on all the posters in order to facilitate identification, to decline the colours of the logo according to the visual and to echo the place in which each event is held through the use of a central object unique to each poster.
The website was created to highlight each event, it was designed and developed on Webflow by myself in only 20 hours!

Excellent work, Bazil is as creative as he is reactive. I can't even think about working on my creative projects without him

Immortalize the evenings
L'équipe du One More Joke fait aussi appel à moi en tant que photographe pour immortaliser chaque soirée et me donne ainsi la chance de pouvoir évoluer dans des lieux aussi insolites (un parking souterrain, une cale de bateau) que magnifiques (Le Cirque d'Hiver, le Louvre ou encore Le Grand Rex).
Vous trouverez ci-dessous un bref aperçu de mes photos, n'hésitez-pas à visiter mon compte Instagram pour en voir plus.
Photographs : Bazil Hamard
Humorists in order of appearance: Fadily Camara, Doully, Thomas VDB, Panayotis Pascot, Noman Hosni, Sylvain Fergot, Marc-Antoine Le Bret, Noman Hosni, Shirley Souagnon, Pierre Thévenoux.